About Us


Campus Scout was formed by seasoned recruiting and career development professionals to meet a need and solve a problem.

The Need:

  • To establish or maintain a carefully developed brand on campuses 
  • To build the strongest "bench" of entry level talent

The Problem:

  • Pared down corporate recruiting staffs and shrinking recruiting and career development budgets.
  • Continuous pressure to reduce overhead and increase revenues.
  • Front line business leaders' inability to spend time on campus.


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Services offered:

  • In depth analysis of hiring needs, corporate culture and past successes/inefficiencies
  • Strategic design of effective on campus and junior level recruiting programs
  • Targeted career development within the current economic climate
  • Pre-screening of resumes
  • First round interviewing of candidates 
  • Delivery of the finest young talent to corporate hiring teams
  • Career and transition coaching 
  • Management and Retention Coaching for employers
  • Customized Summer Analyst and Associate Programs
  • Real Estate Finance Boot Camp for incoming Analysts and Associates


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The Cost Benefit


  • Partnering with Campus Scout's team will bring an estimated savings of 50-65% of the cost of maintaining an in-house full time campus recruiting team


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